

在您创业生涯的头几年,朗博天使投资人很乐意全方位的支持您。朗博天使投资联盟汇聚了数百名来自加拿大各地的华裔天使投资人,随时准备着投资您的项目. 遵循我们的融资流程,我们将为您提供帮助。

我们的流程旨在透明、务实和高效。 每个步骤的完成都会引导您进入下一个步骤。整个过程的时间是不固定的,具体取决于项目的复杂性, 尽调文件的完整性, 以及投资谈判的效率。 通常会耗时3到6个月。





Submit your Executive Summary and Pitch deck to us.



During this stage, our pre-selection committee will carry out a general pre-analysis (outline) of the Executive Summary. This analysis makes it possible to check whether the project satisfied our investment criteria (geographical location, sector of business, amounts needed, growth potential , valuation, etc. ).



During this stage, our pre-selection committee will carry out a general pre-analysis (outline) of the Executive Summary. This analysis makes it possible to check whether the project satisfied our investment criteria (geographical location, sector of business, amounts needed, growth potential , valuation, etc. ).


Investment Meeting

At our monthly investment meeting, 3 or 4 startups, approved by the screening committee, will be invited to pitch to our full members, each of them will be allotted 10 minutes to pitch, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. After your pitch, our members will discuss your investment opportunities. If there are members interested, a Due Diligence Lead and Due Diligence Analyst will be allotted. Note: Administrative Fee required for attendee


Due Diligence

In this phase, a DD Analyst will contact you to arrange whole process, in-depth information will be required, for example business plan, legal docs, financial statements, team background, IP, interview with key members and stakeholders, etc. A DD report will be presented to our interested members. Note: Administrative Fee required


Term Sheet negotiation

Once DD process completed, we will work with you on finalizing the term sheet for presentation to our investors. That term sheet will define the structure of the proposed investment deal, including valuation, the type of investment, investor rights, board of directors’ representation, and other terms. The term sheet will be signed by the members satisfied with the terms and language contained in the term sheet.



During the closing, subject to satisfying closing conditions, all parties will execute full transaction documentation reflecting the agreed-upon terms, including to the extent applicable simple agreement for future equity (SAFE), convertible note, share purchase agreement or shareholders’ agreement as well as associated closing documents. The investment will be finalized and closed simultaneously with the funds being transferred at the same time.


Follow up

After investment, frequently updated reports are required by us, quarterly/yearly, including latest key financial data, financing plan, marketing/sales achievements, business updating, any exit opportunity, and etc.



This is the exit of Angels from the capital of the company. The exit may occur in the event of the company being taken over by another (industrial exit), by listed in the Stock Exchange, by the management buy out, by secondary sale in subsequent financing… Note: The Network DOES NOT make any exit decision, which is made by individual investors only.

Our non-financial contribution

  • Product or service.
  • Team members
  • Market and competition.
  • Potential commercialization.
  • Scalability
  • 3-year strategy and development plan (business plan).
  • Financial outlook.
  • Need for funding.
  • Minimum investment requirement for the investor.
  • Exit prospects in 3 or 5 years.

Our selection criteria

  • Structured and regular support according to your needs.
  • You benefit from our skills and our experience (a few hundred years combined!).
  • Make our networks available to you.
  • You avoid mistakes (we have already made them!)

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for financing by LaunchHub Angels Network, your project must:

  1. You must be established
  2. You will already have a proof of concept or clues showing that your project can work
  3. be located primarily in Canada,
  4. have growth potential,
  5. have a pitch deck to submit to the pre-selection committee.